A Call To Action . . .

For as long as I can remember, I've envisioned a world where honesty actually is the best policy, superior products and services provide a profitable living for owners and employees while benefiting the consumer without harming the planet, people relate to others as family and we view differences among us as the foundation for improvement. I had nearly given up hope for humanity on planet Earth in 2000. Then in 2008, a critical mass of people came together and did what I thought was impossible; elect a president who is compassionate enough to understand people, wise enough to lead the most intelligent minds toward great achievement and humble enough to know he can’t do it alone. Barack Obama promises to be a transformational president, turning the United States (and influencing the world) toward a new era of personal responsibility.

Now encouraged by hope for a brighter future and inspired by 10.6% unemployment in Michigan, I applied for a position with the Obama Administration – along with 7 gazillion other MBAs. But unlike most, I wrote and recorded a song to include with my cover letter called “Yes We Can!”, available for purchase at SassyAlternativeMusic.com/Downloads.

President Obama is the first leader in a long time to call the American people, business and government into immediate action. For far too long, we have been satisfied to sit on the side-lines, complaining about the state of affairs and leaving it to someone else to fix. No wonder we have a society where the nation’s wealthiest prosper when the average worker finds himself out of work, out of savings, maxed out on credit cards and demanding a bail-out.

It may be helpful for Obama critics to realize Barack is not the first to preach personal and professional responsibility. A couple thousand years ago, there was a guy called Jesus of Nazareth who said a lot of the same things. In fact, there’s a book that many people fearing the actions of the new president might know. It’s called “The Bible” and talks about personal responsibility too.  Check it out.

An article in BibleMoneyMatters.com states “I think this lack of personal responsibility is one of the biggest problems we face today as a society. Much of the credit crunch and foreclosure crisis we’re having can be placed squarely at the feet of people’s lack of responsibility. People are buying into the lie that there is always someone else to blame (and someone else to depend on) and as a result find them selves paralyzed when it comes time to make wise financial decisions on their own. They feel powerless. We live in a consuming society where if we want something - we buy it. Never mind the consequences. We’ll just blame someone else for our money problems later on!”

But personal responsibility is not limited to Christianity. In a Buddhist article at Allspirit.co.uk it says “We can stand on our own two feet and take responsibility for acting in a virtuous way, regardless what the rest of society is doing.”

An article called "Truth or Consequences" Discussion and Study Guide by Dr. Alan D. Bennett, he says “Judaism demands personal responsibility. . . In short, we are free to choose how we act, and, therefore, we are responsible for the inevitable consequences of our behaviors.”

The Mission Statement for the Council for the Advancement of Muslim Professionals (CAMP) reads “. . . Through the building of relationships and participation in collaborative interfaith community service efforts, CAMP – Charlotte aims to encourage pro-social values such as understanding, tolerance, respect, kindness and personal responsibility.”

At Witchway.net, personal responsibility is one of the defining principles. “Traditional Wicca is a religion of personal responsibility and growth. Initiates take on a particular obligation to personal development throughout their lives, and work hard to achieve what we call our "True Will", which is the best possibility that we can conceive for ourselves".

I checked Spiralnature.com  to find out if Satanism had anything to say on the subject of personal responsibility. One of the primary beliefs is “Satanists believe in striving for perfection of self (power)”.  It goes on to say “If you’re good at what you do, you’ll be successful. We all have the ability to be good at SOMETHING; we all have our abilities and weaknesses. . . DO something, BE something, ACHIEVE something…then you’ll have respect. Being a failure and doing nothing to change that results in a lifetime of…well….being a failure.”  That sounds like personal responsibility to me.

In a Taoist article, it says “We must, each of, us take responsibility for our own emotions, for our own relationships, for our own habits, for our own destiny”.  The title of a Hindu article by Jayaram V is “Empower Yourself By Accepting Full Responsibility For Your Life”. What about Atheists?   “As mankind can dictate right and wrong, an atheist also holds strongly to the principle of personal responsibility”.

Since “personal responsibility” seems to be inherent in every religion or philosophy around the globe, I consider it to be a Universal Principle; a thread of truth interwoven throughout creation. Instead of lamenting over injustices we do not deserve, we are being called to action so we, as the human race, can resolve our problems and move forward in peace and love.

What are you doing to take personal responsibility for your circumstances? Please comment below.

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