Lighted road signs

Have you ever been on a road trip to some place special? From 200 miles away, there are little signs at the side of the road indicating the number of miles to your destination. Then, as the car approaches paradise, there is a huge sign hanging 20 feet overhead with flood lights illuminating the announcement that says "Destination Ahead". No more mile markers are needed because we are here!

The road of my life has been recently giving me very distinct and direct indications that I've gone as far as I'm willing to travel on this dusty old road. I've seen arrows from the peripherals to another road with less traffic that promises to provide an express lane for my journey toward enlightenment. Now, through Divine Intervention, I've looked up to find a massively illuminated road signs saying "Destination Ahead".

As one door is getting slammed on my foot, another one is being hydraulically opened before me. I am grateful for knowing the Infinite Blessings along the road of Life.

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